The Ladies Probus Club of Sandy and District – Lunch Meeting 23rd January 2025
Marilyn Cousins, President, opened the first ladies lunch meeting of the new year, held in the Sandy Conservative Club Bowls Pavilion, by warmly welcoming the 31 attending members and one guest to the luncheon and read out apologies from 16 absent members.
Grace was said by Julie Morrissey, followed by an excellent meal which was enjoyed by all.
After lunch, the President stood for the Loyal Toast and good wishes were extended to three members who were celebrating their birthdays at this time.
Ann Lovesey MBE, having reached her 25-year anniversary of being a member of the Ladies Probus Club of Sandy and District was presented with a badge to celebrate this significant occasion by the President.
The President introduced Meriet Duncan, also known as Queen Bee, our speaker for the day. Meriet is an author and beekeeper as well as a public speaker. She gave an informative and engaging talk on beekeeping which was very well received by the members. Meriet used beautiful poster illustrations to enhance her talk and brought along an empty hive, explaining the purpose and function of all the different parts as she demonstrated putting the hive together. We also learned about the importance of bees and the crucial effect they have on the environment. Sue Thacker thanked Meriet on behalf of the membership for giving such an insightful and captivating talk.
The monthly raffle winners were Lorraine Cross, Sue Thacker and Sandra Vine.
The President ended the luncheon with the final toast to Probians everywhere.
Sandra Gray
Sandy and District Ladies Probus Club
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