Safeguarding Policy ideas

Several clubs have asked should they have a safeguarding policy. My opinion is that all organisations should have a safeguarding policy these days. Below is some information and a suggested policy statement and procedure

Safeguarding Adults – organisation policy and procedure

We all have a responsibility to safeguard adults who are experiencing, or are at risk of, abuse and neglect (including self neglect).
This policy and procedures outlines what to do if you have a concern.

Safeguarding adults is underpinned by:

  • The Care Act 2014
  • Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005

Types of abuse suffered by adults identified in the Care Act 2014 are:

  • Physical
  • Sexual
  • Psychological/Emotional/Mental
  • Financial and material
  • Neglect and act of omission
  • Discriminatory
  • Organisational
  • Modern Day Slavery
  • Domestic Violence
  • Self Neglect – including hoarding

Policy statement

This organisation accepts that we must do everything that can be reasonably expected of us to help safeguard and protect people from harm, and to act when we suspect that someone is being harmed, or is at risk of harm.

What to do if you have concerns about a member

Organisation members are not expected to be expert in recognising a safeguarding concern; however, all adults participating have a duty of care to be vigilant and respond appropriately to suspicions of poor practice, abuse or bullying. They should also respond to any indication of abuse that may be occurring outside of the organisation setting.

This does not mean that it is your responsibility to decide if a situation is poor practice, abuse or bullying, but it is your responsibility to report your concerns to the club Welfare Officer (insert name here).

If you cannot contact them or feel that your concerns are not being dealt with properly you can contact the local authority safeguarding adults team [insert details].