Mynster Probus

Mynster Probus Club



Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds including teaching, banking, law, industry, military, public services, retail, farming, finance, catering printing and many more.

The club is strictly non-political and non-sectarian and membership is restricted to a maximum of 50.

Mynster Probus was formed in 1990 to foster and encourage fellowship amongst its members of retired and semi-retired professional and business men residing within a radius of 10 miles from Ilminster.

Meetings take place on the fourth Monday of each month (except December) at 10.30 for 11am at the Shrubbery Hotel Ilminster TA19 9AR. Whenever a bank holiday coincides with the fourth Monday, the meeting will be held on the prior Monday.

Talks by visiting speakers and members are given on a wide range of subjects.  Each talk is followed by an optional reasonably priced set lunch which varies each month.

Partners, guests and widows of former members are invited to three lunches each year.

A coffee morning is held 10.30 to 12 noon on the second Wednesday of each month at the Hornsbury Mill Hotel, TA20 3AQ where partners and guests are always welcome.

A monthly walk of about 4 miles is organised for the more active members and their guests and a social programme of outings and visits to places of interest and occasional skittles matches is arranged.

Members of other Probus clubs and potential members are always most welcome to come to one of our meetings.  More information is obtainable from the Membership Secretary by email on or 07443 953354

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