St Neots Social Events 2024


Friendly, Like-minded and Local”

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Our first Monthly Lunch of the year was held in the St Neots Rugby Football Club (RFC) on the 8th January.  Numbers were well down on our usual turnout, with only 24 members attending. Let us hope that we have a return to normal in February, otherwise this kind of attendance means that lunches may not be viable in future. We had the sad news that one of our members had passed away on 31st December.  On a more upbeat note we increased our membership by one with the induction of Trevor into the club by Bob, the Immediate Past President, we hope he will enjoy his time with us.


Our first Coffee Morning to the year was held in the St Neots Rugby Football Club (RFC) on the 22nd January. A total of 30 members and partners attended.  This was a really good turnout for our first gathering and shows that these events are popular with the membership.



The February Monthly Lunch was held at St Neots RFC on the 7th February when a total of 31 members attended. Those present were served with a starter of Bacon and Mushrooms, followed by Half a Roast Chicken, rounded off with Treacle Sponge and Custard.  There were some very full stomachs.  There was a special rousing rendition of Happy Birthday for Roger H, who was celebrating his 94th birthday.  Roger has served on the Committee for a considerable time and is currently our raffle master, ensuring that our funds stay suitably topped up. We had sad news of the death of one of our Associate Members, who passed away on the 21st January.  We welcomed a guest to lunch and hope that he will be inclined to become a member.


The February Coffee Morning was held at St Neots RFC on the 21st February. 32 members and partners attended, tucking into an assortment of biscuits accompanied by tea or coffee served by Lesley and Lin.  We had the sad news of the death of one of our Members, he had been a long term member of the club as well as the local golf club. On a brighter note it was nice to see Terry with us after a long absence, thanks to Bob for giving her a lift.



The March Monthly Lunch was held at St Neots RFC on the 6th March and was our first lunch of the year to be followed by a speaker.  This was also the first lunch where wives and partners were invited to attend as paying guests to hear the speaker.  There were a total of 40 members, wives and partners present to hear Hugh regale us of his time as the official Red Arrows photographer from 1979 – 1981, his talk was an interesting insight into the woking of the Team and also the pressures of getting the right photograph.  The assembled audience seemed to enjoy the talk and it is hoped that this will encourage more wives and partners to attend our other two lunches with guest speakers scheduled for 5th June and 4th September. Those present were treated to a wonderful lunch of Prawn Cocktail, followed by Beef Stew and Dumplings accompanied by, Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Cabbage, Beans, Cauliflower and Broccoli, this was followed by Spotted Dick and Custard. All this was provided by Jackie and her crew – it was a wonder we all stayed awake for Hugh’s talk.

Below are some photographs of the event:


Wednesday 27th March saw 48 members, associate members, partners and wives attend the annual Spring Carvery in the St Neots Rugby Football Club.  Those attending were treated to a magnificent array of food provided by Jackie and her crew.  The food on offer consisted of a choice of meats (including: Turkey, Pork, Beef and Gammon) these were accompanied by Roast and Boiled Potatoes, Yorkshire Pudding, Stuffing, Crackling, Carrots, Broccoli, Cabbage, Green Beans, Apple and Cranberry sauces, Horseradish and Gravy.  This was followed by a mouth watering display of desserts, these included Lemon Merengue Pie, Strawberry Gateaux, Black Forrest Gateaux, Profiteroles, Fresh Fruit Salad, Jam Sponge, Treacle Sponge, Custard, Cream and Ice Cream. A truly wonderful lunch.

There was lots of conversations with colleagues and old friends which is what the club is all about. I was nice to see some members who we had not seen for some time attending.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and hopefully this will help us maintain attendance at future functions.

Below are some photographs of the event. Thanks to Les for his photographs of the event.




Turnout for our April luncheon was rather poor with only 25 members present.  The Committee came to the conclusion that this might have been due to the fact that the Spring Carvery took place a week before.  The President asked all present to encourage attendance in order for the luncheons to continue to be viable. Jackie and her crew provided those attending with a Tomato and Basil Soup, Chicken and Ham Pie with Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables, followed by Gateaux.

Immediately after luncheon there was a Special General Meeting to agree revisions to the November 2021 Constitution. Those present voted unanimously in favour of the amendments.


Wednesday 17th April was the regular Monthly Coffee Morning held in the St Neots RFC, where 29 attendees were served coffee, tea and biscuits by Kathleen and Lin.  There was the usual catching up on all the gossip since the last meeting.  Our Treasurer was on hand to collect payments for the forthcoming social events, which he is pleased to report are well supported.


Immediately following the Monthly Coffee Morning 9 Past Presidents and partners met at the Bridge House St Neots for the annual Past Presidents Lunch, this year organised by Bob, our Immediate Past President.  The staff at the Bridge House looked after everyone extremely well. The menu choices were extensive, so it took a little while for everyone to make their choices.  The portions in some instances were very large (Les and his veal and spaghetti spring to mind), but all present enjoyed what they had.

By way of a record of the event below are some photographs taken at the event:




The Club celebrated its 51st Anniversary with a Lunch on Wednesday 1st May 2024 at the St Neots RFC.  There were 50 members and partners present along with 6 guests, these were the President of St Neots Rotary Club and his lady, the Vice President of the Probus Club of Sandy and District and his lady, they were joined by two of our Associate Members, Pat and Terry who were also invited guests of the Club.  Those attending were treated to a starter of Salmon and Prawns, this was followed by a main course of Hunters Chicken and Seasonal Vegetables, dessert was a Black Forest Cheesecake finishing off with tea/coffee and mints.  Jackie and her crew looked after everyone extremely well as usual, ensuring that no one went home hungry. Reports on the day were all positive and it would appear that everyone had a great time.  Roger and Bob produced some wonderful prizes for the raffle, which is always a popular addition to these functions.  Even the Treasurer won a prize.

Below are some photographs of the event kindly provided by Les.


Wednesday 15th May saw 36 attendees at our Coffee Morning, held in the St Neots RFC.  Those attending were looked after by Lin and June who provided them with coffee, tea and biscuits.  There was also the opportunity to book and pay for forthcoming social events. It was nice to see David Rudd attend after such a long absence.  Our stand-in Treasurer had some minor issues with his Sumup machine, but managed to use the age old “Off” then “On” remedy to reboot and get things back on track.  There was the usual raffle of two vouchers.

Below are a couple of photographs of the event:

May Coffee Morning


On Wednesday 22 May 12 members travelled in their own transport into Bedfordshire to visit the Shuttleworth Collection of vintage aircraft and vehicles as well as having the opportunity to look at the Swiss Gardens.  Les had organised tea and coffee on arrival and entrance to the site.  The weather was not good, with heavy rain the order of the day, which meant that there were no aircraft outside or flying.  Just as well the whole collection is under cover.  It was nice to see on our visit to the workshops that young people are being taught how to look after these historic exhibits.  All the aircraft in the collection are flown at various times and many of the vehicles are often used during open days/displays.

Below are some photographs of the day.



Our June Monthly Lunch saw some 37 members and partners attend. We sat down to a lovely meal consisting of Melon and Kiwi for starters, followed by Gammon, Egg and Pineapple with Seasonal Vegetables, this was followed by Cherries Jubilee, all prepared and served by Jackie and her crew.  Grace was said by our Immediate Past President, Bob.  We also took a moment to remember those who gave their lives at the start of the Invasion of Europe, which started with the Normandy Landings commencing on 6 June 1944, some 80 years ago.

Lunch was followed by a talk from our very own Les on his charity work in Zambia, he was ably assisted with his presentation by Brenda. Everyone agreed it was a really interesting talk about the little known conditions under which children suffer, particularly when it comes to education.  Les and his team have been doing extremely important work in enabling young people to gain skills and education.  The Club presented Les with a donation for his charity by way of a thank you for his talk.

We learnt of the hospitalisation of Geoff, one of our more senior members and send him our best wishes for a speedy return recovery and hope to see him back with us soon.

Our Treasurer reported that due to increased difficulties in handling coins, he will not be handling any from July.


Our June Coffee Morning was held in lovely sunshine, something which has been in short supply of late.  There were 27 members and partners in attendance.  Our tea/coffee/biscuits were served by Elizabeth and Lin, who kept us well topped up with refills.  We were sorry to hear that Margaret Gates and Geoff Hoy are both in hospital and wish them both a speedy recovery and hope to see them back with us soon

Those present gave a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” for Albert who had celebrated his 90th birthday yesterday.  He has now joined a very unique band of our membership.

It was the Presidents privilege to present the recently long awaited badge of office to our Vice President Robert.  He can now be properly dressed for future events.

Below are some photographs of the event.


Our annual Strawberry Tea was held on 26 June at the St Neots RFC, where 41 members and partners sat down to a wonderful spread provided by Sarah and her crew.  We started with a two tier cake stand containing sausage rolls, sandwiches and crisps, accompanied by tea or coffee, served in some wonderful old china crockery.  These cake stands were replenished as soon as they were empty.  This was followed by a selection of cream and jam scones and assorted cakes as well as a plate of slices of sponge cake.  Once again these were filled again once they were eaten.  This was followed by fresh strawberries and cream.  No one present could complain of feeling hungry after such a banquet.  Below are some photographs of the event, courtesy of Les.




Our July monthly luncheon was held as usual in the St Neots RFC on Wednesday 3 July.  28 Members sat down to a starter of Egg and Prawn salad, followed by cold Turkey Salad with hot new potatoes, this was rounded off with apple pie and ice cream.  As usual we were looked after by Sarah and her crew as Jackie was on her way home from holiday.  Everyone present seemed to agree that the fair was really good and that the service was excellent as ever.

The Committee are slightly concerned that the numbers attending these luncheons appears declining and the President asked everyone present to encourage their friends/colleagues who are members to make the effort to attend.  Despite the low turnout it was nice to see a number of members that we had not seen for some time.


Our July Coffee Morning was held in non wet weather, something which has been in short supply of late.  There were 27 members and partners attending. Our tea/coffee/biscuits were served by June and Lin, who kept us all well supplied with  refills and biscuits.   There was a revolving slide display on the large screen TV showing the planned Social Events for 2025, which will hopefully encourage more members and partners to support the proposed events on offer.

Some of our regular attendees were absent for one reason or another so our numbers were slightly down.  However, there were some additional takers for the BBQ which takes place on the 28 August and also a late addition to the RAF Wyton Heritage Centre visit on 25 September (Les is wrestling with the paperwork which needs to be completed and submitted prior to approval for our visit).

Below are a couple of photographs of the event.












The Club had a very successful outing on the John Bunyan from Bedford Marina to the Anchor at Great Barford where 31 members and guests enjoyed a 2 course buffet lunch.  The cruise along the river proved to be somewhat interesting due to the number of fallen trees laying in the river and the fact that the bow thrusters on the John Bunyan were not working. However, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.  We were sorry that Margaret, Robert and Jackie and Sue and John could not join us for the day due to other issues.  Below are some photographs of this memorable occasion.

Arrival at the Anchor Great Barford



Our August monthly luncheon was held as usual in the St Neots RFC on Wednesday 7 August.  It was very disappointing to see only 21 Members sat down to a starter of Egg Mayonnaise and Salad, followed by Cold Ham Salad with hot New Potatoes, this was rounded off with Lemon Cheesecake. As usual we were looked after really well by Sarah and her crew. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food on offer and there was lots of convivial conversation around the tables.

The Committee are concerned about the turnout which makes the viability of the Club precarious.  We are getting close to the point where the future of the Club is in jeopardy.  Members were reminded by the President of the need to support the events laid on and to try and recruit new members.

A recent survey showed that the average age of our club is currently 84 – this came as a bit of a shock to the Committee.  We all need to try to assist with boosting our membership


Our August Coffee Morning saw 31 members and partners sit down to chat and enjoy tea/coffee and biscuits in the St Neots Rugby Football Club.  Members present were asked to complete a questionnaire about the future of the various events and the charges associated with them, in order for the Committee to better reflect the wishes of the membership.  Everyone was looked after in the kitchen by Lin, who did a sterling job on her own ensuring everyone had a drink, plus refill if required along with a steady supply of biscuits. The 2025 social programme was on display on the large screen TV for everyone to see what is planned for next year.  Hopefully there will be sufficient support to enable them to go ahead.


Wednesday 28th August was a lovely warm day with hazy sunshine, ideal weather for our BBQ at the St Neots RFC.  Jackie, Sarah and crew were on hand to make sure we were fed to bursting point.  We were treated to Venison Burgers, Beef Burgers, Sausages and Chicken Breast Filets, accompanied by a huge selection of salad items.  For dessert we were left with a very difficult decision of choosing between; Strawberry Gateaux, Lemon Roulade, Profiteroles or Fresh Fruit Salad with Cream if required.  This was rounded off with tea or coffee. There was considerable effort required to rise from the table after such a magnificent feast, Jackie, Sarah and the crew have once again excelled themselves.  Moira was manning the bar as usual making sure our liquids were suitably topped up.  Below are some photographs of the event, which hopefully will make those who did not attend very jealous.




September kicked off with our usual monthly luncheon at the St Neots RFC on the 4th when 31 members and partners sat down to a meal consisting of: Pate with salad as a starter, this was followed by Sausages (3), Chips, Peas and Gravy as main course with Fresh Fruit Salad and Ice Cream for dessert, with tea or coffee and a mint to finish.  As usual Jackie and her crew looked after us all really well.  As it the custom at our September luncheon we had a speaker, this month it was one of our members Mike talking about his time with the Princes Trust.  A very interesting and personal account of the setting up and workings of the Trust everyone learnt a lot more about the Trust as a result.  It also at this luncheon that partners are welcomed as paying guests to listen to enjoy a lunch and listen to the speaker.  We were pleased to see 9 partners present and hope that this will prove to be even more popular with partners at those planned for next year in March, June and September.  A slide show was playing on the large screen TV showing the activities planned for 2025, which we hope will encourage support from the members.  Below are some photographs from the luncheon.


Our September Coffee Morning was held as usual in the St Neots RFC where 24 members and partners and one guest (Val) were looked after with tea/coffee and biscuits flowing from the kitchen in the capable hands of Jenny and Lin.  Our numbers were down on last month and the President encouraged those present to persuade their friends and colleagues to support these gatherings.  There was a healthy amount of discussion in the room on all manner of subjects.  Our Assistant Treasurer, Robert had an initial issue with his card machine, which was quickly resolved so that monies could be collected from those attending. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the next Coffee Morning on 16 October.


On 25 September a group of 10 members and partners visited the Pathfinder Heritage Centre at RAF Wyton.  After an initial problem at the Guardroom (who are you do we know you are coming?) we were escorted to the Heritage Centre where we were given the security brief (no photographs outside).  We were then given an explanation of the Centre and its history.  This was followed by a very interesting explanation of the “Time Line”, a series of rooms depicting deferent periods in the development of air intelligence gathering from WW1 and the early days of the RFC/RAF right through to the Cold War. Each room was filled with authentic items (furniture, etc) of the period as well as the wall decoration.  This was then followed by a visit to the Pathfinders Room upstairs which had a superb collection of memorabilia, including medals, models, uniforms, documents and photographs, all. of which was explained in great detail by the very enthusiastic curator.  The group then moved onto the Joint Air Intelligence displays showing the developments in this field, including an amazing arial 3d picture of the Dome of the cathedral in Malta.   The time went really quickly and before the group could believe it they were back at the guardroom handing in their passes and heading home.  Thanks to Les for organising the trip.



Our October Monthly Lunch was held on Wednesday 2 October at the St Neots Rugby Football Club as usual.  There was a very disappointing turnout for this event with only 23 members attending.  Despite the Committee trying to encourage more support for lunches it would appear we are seeing attendance slip lower and lower and calling into question the viability of the Monthly Lunches.  We are currently making a lose on lunches, which the Club cannot sustain for much longer.  Hopefully our November Lunch, followed by the AGM will be better supported.  Jackie and her crew looked after those present and served Smoked Mackrell and Salad to start, followed by Chicken and Ham Pie, with seasonal vegetables and roast and boiled potatoes, this was followed by Apple Pie and Custard, rounded off with coffee/tea and a mint.  The planned events for the 2025 Social Programme were on display on the large screen TV for all to see (This will be a standard feature at all Lunches and Coffee Mornings) and hopefully generate interest and support for those events planned.

Below are some photographs of the lunch.


Our October Coffee Morning was held on Wednesday 16 October at the St Neots RFC where 28 members and partners and 1 guest (Richard) were looked after by Joe and Jean who did a sterling job of keeping everyone supplied with tea/coffee and biscuits.  Our payment technology had a glitch, which meant that we were unable to take payments from a number of those attending.  The Treasurer will be making sure that the Club coffers are not out of pocket we are certain.  There was lots of chatter in the room which is always a good sign that everyone is happy.  This was the last opportunity for bookings for the Autumn Carvery which is due to take place on 23 October, hopefully this will be well supported.


The Autumn Carvery was held as usual in the St Neots RFC with 41 members and partners in attendance.  Jackie and her crew put on a fabulous spread with a choice of Turkey, Beef, Pork and Gammon with seasonal vegetables.  Plates were being well filled by Sarah and the girls behind the serving table.  Once everyone had done justice to the main event, it was time for dessert and as usual the team did not disappoint. The offerings were – profiterole’s, black forrest gateau, fresh fruit salad, roulade, strawberry gateau, apple pie, with fresh cream. This was finished off with coffee/tea and mints.  Everyone agreed it was a truely superb meal and showed their appreciation to Jackie and her crew. Below are some photographs of the event.  Oh and Robert did have three desserts in case you were wondering!!