St Neots Social Events 2023


Friendly, Like-minded and Local”

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Monthly Lunch – 4th January 2023

The New Year began with our usual monthly lunch gathering in the St Neots RFC, where 31 members sat down to a three course meal consisting of Tomato and Basil Soup, Chicken and Ham pie with carrots, beans, mash and roast potatoes, followed by jam sponge and custard.  This was our first members lunch for our new President.  There was much talk about the Christmas and New Year celebrations enjoyed by those present.  Our Treasurer was pleased that his new toy for collecting monies electronically was working and being well used by members to pay for their subscriptions, lunch and events.

Coffee Morning – 17th January 2023

The January Coffee Morning held on 17 January in the St Neots Rugby Football Club was very well supported with a total of 32 members and partners attending. Thanks for Robert for supplying the photographs below.

Coffee Morning 17 Jan 23

Coffee Morning 17 Jan 23


Coffee Morning 17 Jan 23


Past Presidents Lunch – 15th February 2023

February saw the Past Presidents of the Club and their partners gather for a luncheon at The Wheatsheaf in Perry.  This was our first such event for some time so it was nice to see 21 people in total attending and they were able to partake of the excellent food on offer.  Below are a couple of pictures of the event. Our Thanks to Bill for organising the event as the Immediate Past President.

Past Presidents Lunch 2023

Past Presidents Lunch 2023

Past Presidents Lunch 2023


Spring Carvery – 22nd March 2023

In addition to our usual monthly luncheon March saw the Spring Carvery take place in the St Neots RFC on a sunny Wednesday.  There were 47 members and partners sat down to a superb choice of meat from the carvery, including beef, chicken, gammon, turkey and pork, accompanied by cauliflower cheese, carrots, beans, cabbage, boiled and roast potatoes.  Dessert consisted of Black Forest gateau or Strawberry gateau or Fruit Salad and ice cream, followed by tea or coffee and mints, all courtesy of Jackie and her crew, who looked after everyone really well. Below are some photographs of the event. An excellent raffle was as usual organised by Roger.


Anniversary Lunch – 3rd May 2023

The Anniversary Lunch was held on Wednesday 3rd May in the St Neots Rugby Football Club. 58 members and partners and 4 guests (President and lady of St Neots Rotary Club and President and lady of the Sandy Probus Club) sat down to a three course meal of Melon Parma Ham and Rocket starter, this was followed by Beef Bourguignon served in a giant Yorkshire Pudding accompanied by Roast Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables, dessert was a choice of Black Forest, Strawberry or Chocolate Gateaux or Fresh Fruit Salad.  Jackie and her team pulled out all the stops to make it a very memorable occasion.  As usual Roger did a sterling job with the raffle, helps to boost the Club funds.  Below are some photos taken at the event.

Anniversary Lunch 2023

Anniversary Lunch 2023

Anniversary Lunch 2023

Anniversary Lunch 2023

Anniversary Lunch 2023


Strawberry Tea – 28th June 2023

This year the Strawberry Tea was held in St Neots Rugby Football Club and the tea was provided by our regular caterer (Jackie and her crew).  47 members and partners sat down on 28 June to a superb selection of sandwiches, sausage rolls, quiche, followed by a wonderful selection of cakes and scones accompanied by strawberries and cream.  There was little chance of anyone going away hungry and we will certainly be doing it again next year.

Below are some photographs of the event.



Probus Walk at Wimpole- 26th July 2023

Seven walkers enjoyed a walk at the National Trust’s Wimpole Estate this morning in fine sunny weather.

Their walk took them to the 18th Century Folly on the crest of the hill overlooking the parkland, and then via the Western Belts Woodland Path and the South-Western Lake back to the Stable Block starting point. I think that everyone enjoyed the varying views of the Wimpole parkland, which the walk provided.

Participants in the Walk were: Les Blignaut and his granddaughter Amber Bornman, (who kindly took the pictures below), Dave and Marilyn Rolin, Robert and Elizabeth Sibson and Bill Musk- Leader.

Hopefully we may have a few more walkers next time.


Probus BBQ- 23rd August 2023

This year we replaced our annual Hog Roast with a BBQ at the St Neots Rugby Football Club provided by our regular caterer Jackie and her crew.  The weather was very kind to us and on one of the hottest days so far 41 members and partners turned up to enjoy a wonderful spread.  Below are some photos of the event, courtesy of Les and Robert.

Treasurer checking on proceedings

Members and partners enjoying the food and company

Difficult dessert decision

Dessert choices

Members and partners

Geoff off for seconds of dessert??

The BBQ Team

Jackie and Crew

Choosing dessert


Probus Lunch- 6th September 2023

Our September lunch always features a guest speaker and this was the case for this lunch.  29 members and 1 guest sat down to a wonderful meal provided by Jackie and her crew of Pate, followed by Cottage Pie with vegetables and roast potatoes, followed by cheesecake or fruit salad, both with ice cream.  With the temperature hovering around the 30 degree mark the President gave permission for jackets to be removed, thus making everyone a little more comfortable.  After lunch we were treated to a musical quiz courtesy of our own Joe Wallace, who had brought along his trombone and euphonium. He entertained us with musical clips which those present had to identify, not just the tune, but the musical from which it came and the composer, not so easy. All this was interspersed with tales of his musical career. A very interesting and different after lunch event.

Below are some photographs of the event.

Bill introducing Joe

Joe and his euphonium

Joe talking about his musical career

Name that tune – and Musical – and Composer:

what was that tune?

Please click on the link below to see and hear Joe playing his trombone.


Autumn Carvery – 27 September 2023

Wednesday 27th September saw 39 members, partners and guests gather in the St Neots Rugby Football Club for the annual Autumn Carvery, provided as usual by Jackie and her crew. Those attending were treated to a choice of Roast Beef, Roast Turkey or Roast Pork, with Roast and Boiled Potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, Crackling, Peas, Carrots, Cabbage and Beans.  There was even the opportunity for second helpings (some did take advantage of this offer).  Dessert was a choice of Black Forrest Gateaux, Lemon Tart, Strawberry Cheesecake or Fruit Salad.  This was all topped off with coffee and mints. There was the usual raffle organised by Roger with a generous number of prizes.

Below are some photographs taken at the event.


Coffee Morning – 18th October 2023

Our Monthly Coffee Morning attracted 33 people to the St Neots RFC to enjoy a hot drink, biscuits and a chat with friends.  Those present were looked after by June and Kathleen, with ample refills on offer.  Peter Plant was on hand with his Christmas Cards, Calendars and Diaries in aid of the East Anglian Air Ambulance, a very worthwhile cause.  There was a reminder from Jenny about the upcoming Ladies Lunch to be held at the Barley Mow.  Below are some photos taken at the event.

Visit to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) – 30th October 2023

Monday 30th October saw 11 members of the club make a very early start from St Neots and the surrounding area in order to be at the RMAS for 1045hrs.  On arrival at the guardroom they were met by Stuart Hepton our guide for the visit.  Once everyone was checked in they were shown into the Academy and gathered in the Wellington Room for tea, coffee and biscuits and use of the toilet facilities.  Once everyone was refreshed they moved to the Amiens Room where there was an introduction to the RMAS and a run through of the programme for the visit.

Proceedings then moved to the Le Marchant Room, where Stuart gave us a brief history of the Academy and the part played by Le Marchant.

Le Marchant Room

Members in front of Le Marchant portrait.

The tour then moved outside to the Grand Entrance of the Academy, where an explanation was given of the architecture, the Kings walk and the format of the Sovereign’s Parade, along with some humorous anecdotes.

Main entrance to the Academy.

The party then moved to the Indian Army Memorial Room, a very impressive collection of items were housed here along with some wonderful stain glass windows depicting the contributions made by the Indian Army.

Indian Army Memorial Room

The tour then went to the International Room, where Stuart explained about the number of international officers who attend the RMAS and the contribution that they then make to their own countries.  The room is full of the most wonderful tokens of appreciation from many countries.

International Room

Everyone then moved to the Royal Memorial Chapel where the explanation of the interior and how it had developed was really interesting, as was the varied and poignant memorials covering many conflicts.

Royal Memorial Chapel

Next it was off to the Catholic Chapel, where there were pictures around the walls painted onto the lids of MFO boxes.

Entrance to Catholic Chapel

Interior of Catholic Chapel

Once the interior of the chapel had been explained it was on to the History Room for a browse around, where some familiar items were noticed by some of those visiting.

History Room

The party then went back to the Amiens Room for the final part of the visit where Stuart explained the Potential Cadets Selection process and the various Commissioning Course Training that is undertaken at RMAS.  He also explained the work of the Sandhurst Trust.

All those who attended thought this was a thoroughly good visit and all the more so by the knowledge imparted by Stuart.

The party, plus Stuart then adjourned to a local hostelry for some well earned lunch, before saying our goodbyes and heading back to Cambridgeshire.


Probus Lunch & AGM – 1st November 2023

It hardy seems five minutes since our last AGM and here we are once more. 32 members sat down to lunch provided as usual by Jackie and her crew consisting of soup, roast pork and vegetables, followed by gateau for dessert.

Our Catering Officer was kept busy getting members to complete their allergy forms and return them before they departed.

We also welcomed the 3 new members to their first lunch and AGM as members, welcome Mike, Anne and James, we hope you will enjoy your time with us.

Lunch was followed by the AGM, which went off without any dramas and the Presidency of the Club was officially handed over from Bob to John after he was voted in as the new President.


Probus Christmas Lunch – 6th December 2023

The annual Christmas Lunch took place on Wednesday 6th December in the St Neots Rugby Football Club where members, partners and guests gathered for a festive meal, our last lunch of the year.

We were pleased to be joined by Derrick Stock and Diana Deere from the Probus Club of Sandy and Peter Dunn and his wife Adrienne from the St Neots Rotary Club.

A total of 65 members, partners and guests sat down to enjoy the following menu, provided by Sarah and her crew as Jackie was away celebrating her birthday.


Tomato and Herb Soup or Melon and Kiwi

Main Course

Roast Turkey 

Vegetable Pasta Bake (V)

Selection of Seasonal Vegetables

Roast and Boiled Potatoes


Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce

Fruit Salad with Ice Cream or Cream (V)

Tea or Coffee and Mince Pies

 Roger and Geoff ran a very successful raffle with over 20 prizes on offer, which obviously led to the sale of every ticket available. Thanks to all those who donated prizes and who purchased tickets.

Below are some photographs of the occasion taken by Les and Robert.

Members getting ready for lunch

Christmas Lunch 2023

Christmas Lunch 2023

Probus Christmas Coffee Morning – 13th December 2023

The last event of 2023 saw 38 members and partners gather at the St Neots Rugby Football Club for the Christmas Coffee Morning, when it is the tradition for the Committee to carry out the duties of serving tea, coffee, shortbread and mince pies to members.  Our outgoing President put in a very impressive shift in the kitchen including doing all the washing up, well done Bob.  There was the usual buzz of conversation and many Christmas cards were exchanged. Talk was obviously centred around what everyone was doing over the festive season.  Hopefully everyone had a great Christmas and New Year and looking forward to our gatherings in 2024.