Club Contact: Marguerite Henderson
St. Nicholas Probus was founded in 2000. The club meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month from September to May. Meetings are held at Aberdeen Cricket Club, Morningside Road AB10 7FB, starting with a speaker at 2.00pm and finishing by 4.00pm after a cup of tea/coffee and a short business meeting. We aim to have a varied programme of speakers and meetings are generally attended by approximately 50 members.The annual subscription is currently £30.00.
Members can sign up for club activities which are,at present,Book Group and Lunch Club.
Christmas Lunch is held at RNUC and the AGM and lunch in May at a local venue. All money must be paid before the event, either by bank transfer or cheque.
New members are always welcome. Please contact secretary in the first instance.
Office Bearers 2024/25
President-Margaret Stirton
Secretaries-Marguerite Henderson, Maureen Arpe
Treasurer-Kathleen Helms
Margery Farquharson
Maureen Bissett
Mary Hunter
Jean Dodds
Freda Cordiner
Past President-Alison Lobban
Syllabus January-April 2025
22 January-Songs of the North East-Mike Gibb
28 February-Aberdeen Angus-Ken Howie
26 March-Iceland-Shirley Milton
23 April-Heritage Hound Returns
AGM and Lunch Wednesday 28 May- Deeside Golf Club 11.30am
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 19 February 2,00-4.00pm
Visit to BBC @Beechgrove Terrace. No cost. Limited car parking.
Wednesday 16 April-Trip to Delgatie Castle, Turriff
Buses are booked for this trip and will leave the Kingswells Park and Ride at 12.00 and return at approximately 5.00pm. Price £35 to include bus, castle entry and afternoon tea.
Money must be paid (by cheque or bank transfer) on/before meeting on 26 March. No refunds after this time as buses are booked and have to be paid for in advance.
Wednesday 18 June- Civic Reception
Aberdeen Town House@2.00pm for Afternoon Tea
For those wishing to see round The Town House beforehand, please arrive for 1.00pm.
Be advised that there are narrow stairs and corridors on this tour and may not be suitable for those with limited mobility. There is a lift if you are attending only for the afternoon tea.