Okehampton and District Men’s Probus Club

Welcome to the


Okehampton and District Men’s Probus Club

Meets fortnightly on Mondays, 10.30 a.m. at
The Old Drill Hall, Mill Road, Okehampton EX20 1DU
for a talk, coffee and business and from
time to time outings, lunches and holidays.

_probus-logo4aWhat is Probus?

A PROBUS Club is a local association of Retired and semi-retired PROfessional and
BUSiness people, and others who have had some measure of responsibility in any
field Of worthy endeavour, who are of character and respected in their communities.
Clubs meet regularly for fellowship and an extension of their interests.
Each club is autonomous and chooses its own rules and programme.
Some clubs meet weekly, some monthly, some twice a month.
Some have coffee mornings with guest speakers, some have lunches or dinners.
Many organise day trips and holidays to which partners and friends may be
invited if the club so chooses.
Each club elects its own officers, and Okehampton has a chairman,
deputy chairman, secretary, treasurer, and a programme organiser.
PROBUS Clubs do not exist to raise money for charity, although some
choose to run occasional fund-raising events and raffles.


Probus Support?

The PROBUS movement has a magazine published quarterly and designed
as a forum for clubs to share experiences and seek or impart advice.
The magazines are free; clubs who choose to subscribe pay only the cost of packaging and
delivery. Probus magazine is the only publication published nationally for Probus members.
PROBUS clubs in the UK and Ireland also now have an ‘umbrella’
website: www.probusonline.org
In addition to resources such as a directory of speakers, outing and holiday recommendations
etc., each club may have its own page free of charge on which it controls the content.
A ‘chat’ section allows registered users to ask for and give advice more quickly than
through the magazine.
Only bona fide PROBUS members may register to view the site, thus preventing
unscrupulous companies from targeting members with unwanted advertising.
PROBUS is NOT a fundraising organisation.
PROBUS exists to provide a social forum, fellowship and friendship for like-minded people.
PROBUS is not affiliated to a central organising body.
Each PROBUS Club sets its own rules.
The origins of PROBUS were with Rotary, who sponsored the first clubs.
PROBUS Clubs may be mixed gender, men only or women only.
There are no upper or lower age limits.


PROBUS is NOT a fundraising organisation.
PROBUS exists to provide a social forum, fellowship and friendship for like-minded people.
PROBUS is not affiliated to a central organising body.
Each PROBUS Club sets its own rules.
The origins of PROBUS were with Rotary, who sponsored the first clubs.
PROBUS Clubs may be mixed gender, men only or women only.
There are no upper or lower age limits.


Probus Programme Dates For 2024-2025

                                   22nd January.  AGM

5th February: Margaret Jeffries ‘MyNursing Career’

19th February PAUL Rendell ‘Tales of “A Dartmoor Man”

4th March: Chris Walpole ‘SilentFilms of Dartmoor’

18th March: Allenton Fisher.   Mayor of Okehampton

3rd April: (WEDNESDAY) Emma Cunis ‘Dartmoor Rivers’

15th April: Sean Lehni followed by a Ploughman’s Lunch

29th April:  Mike Luxton  ‘Rifle Ranges’

13th May: Bernard Mills. ‘The Railway @ Okehampton’


10th June: Mike Wreford….Okehampton’s Airfields.

24th June: Dr Alan Parkinson  ‘Charlie Chaplin & South London’

8th July: Terry Abbotts. ‘Naval Stories’

22nd July: Malcolm Fortnam. ‘Confessions of a Driving Instructor’

10th August…Kirsty Turner….Museum of Dartmoor Life

19th August: Murray Gibson. ‘Anything that can Go Wrong’

2nd September: Simon Dell  ‘The Reverend Billy Bray’

16th September: Peter & Margaret Southcott ‘Castle Drogo Now’

30th September: Kay Townsend. ..My Fairground Life

14th October: Des Flood. ‘Policing’

28th October: Paul Rendell ‘Dartmoor Experiences’  

11th November: COFFEE MORNING 

25th November: Louis Baycock  ‘A parson’s Lot’                                            9thDecember..CHRISTMAS LUNCH

                                   6th January,2025      Mike Wreford. ‘Developers of Okehampton

20th January,2025. AGM




Okehampton & District Men’Probus Club – Officers

Chairman:  Robert Hines               

Deputy Chairman:  Terry Abbott

Secretary:  Steve Harris         

Treasurer:  Michael Scutt

Immediate Past Chairman:  Terry Abbots   

Programme Organisers:  Louis Baycock & Des Flood

Committee:  Mick Hatch, Peter North, Peter Voaden,John Cooke,Mike Wreford,Murray Gibson,William Cornish,John Knight,

Independent Account Examiner:  Michael Curtice




Constitution of Okehampton & District Men’s Probus Club

founded by Mr W.W.J.Cornish – 24th November 1975

  1. TITLE: The Club shall be called ‘The Okehampton & District Men’s Probus Club’

  2. MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to all professional and business men who are resident in Okehampton and district who have retired or are partially retired. An applicant for membership  shall first be introduced by an existing  member as a guest prior to his application being submitted to the Committee for consideration.    The Committee may recommend, for approval by the members, the appointment of Honorary Members.

  3. PURPOSE: The aim of the Club shall be to provide a regular meeting point for members and also to promote social well-being through companionship, discussion and such other pursuits as may be agreed upon.   The Club shall be non-political and non-sectarian. There shall be no sales or collections on behalf of other organisations.

  4. COMMITTEE: Shall consist of five elected officers and elected members. The officers shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Programme Secretary and up to a maximum of four other members, all to be elected from and by the members at each Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have power to co-opt. The Chairman shall serve for one year and shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee for the year following his chairmanship. No officer of the  Committee shall serve in the same capacity for more than five years in succession. The Committee may appoint one or more sub-Committees.  Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum.

  5. MEETINGS: Ordinary meetings of the Club shall be held whenever possible on alternate Mondays beginning each year on the first Monday in January provided this does not fall on the same day as Okehampton Ladies’ Probus. Any such clash to be resolved by negotiation.

  6. AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall be held before the last day of January each year.   Notice of such meeting shall be served by way of reminder to members attending any of the three previous meetings.

  7. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS: The Honorary Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting on the written request of not less than five members and shall give members at least three weeks notice of any such meeting.

  8. VOTING: Voting at all meetings shall be by show of hands or by ballot, if requested by the majority of members present. In the event of an equal division of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

  9. GUESTS: A guest shall not attend more than thrice in the same calendar year.

  10. SUBSCRIPTIONS: The annual subscription shall be payable on joining and thereafter such annual sum payable on the day of the Annual General Meeting as shall be determined by the committee and approved by the members at an ordinary meeting in November. A member not paying within three months of the due date shall cease to be a member.

  11. ACCOUNTS: A receipts and payments account shall be prepared, audited and presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting.

  12. ACCOUNTS EXAMINER: An Honorary Examiner, who may be a member of the Club, shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.

  13. BANK ACCOUNT: A Bank Account shall be opened and cheques drawn thereon shall be signed by the Honorary Treasurer and by either the Honorary Secretary or an authorised committee member appointed at the Annual General Meeting, or in case of need at an Extra-ordinary General Meeting.


    a) The capital sum shall be invested in an account entirely separate from the Club’s current account.

    b) The choice of investment account shall be at the discretion of the Committee, subject only to the need to maximise the income compatible with reasonable access to the capital.

    c) The interest arising from the investment shall be used at the Committee’s discretion.

    d) No expenditure of the capital shall take place without the consent of the majority of members so voting at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting.

  15. MENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION: No amendment shall be made other than at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting without the consent of three-quarters of the members present and voting.  The amendment shall fully set out in writing the proposed alterations or additions  and be signed by the Proposer and Seconder, and delivered to the Honorary Secretary.  Notice of a Special General Meeting shall be in accordance with Article 7.

  16. WINDING UP: In the event of the winding up of the Club, any surplus funds shall be donated to a charity or charities agreed upon by the Committee.

  17. EMERGENCY: In the event of an emergency affecting the continuance of the Club, in accordance with this Constitution the Officials of the Club shall be empowered to take whatever action they may deem necessary.

  18. DISTRIBUTION: Every member of the Club shall be provided with a copy of this Constitution and a copy shall be given to all new members on joining.


Club contact: Robert (Bob) Hines

01837 53892