Welcome to our club

The Probus Club of Marlborough & District meet at the Marlborough Golf Club on the second Thursday of each month.  Members are from many different walks of life who come together to meet up with friends, to make new acquaintances and to enjoy the social aspects the club offers.

Twice a year the club organizes a lunch for the wives of members and widows of past members, meeting in a local hotel.  Members organise visits to places of interest, which in the recent past has included the Oxford Mini Factory and the RNLI headquarters.

The monthly meetings start with introductions regarding guests and/or new members, followed by an update by the committee members as to the status of their various areas of responsibility.  The speaker for that session is then introduced who then talks on their subject until lunch time.  Following an opportunity to visit the bar for a pre-lunch drink, members retire to the restaurant area for lunch.  The meeting concludes around 2pm.

If you are interested in joining the club or attending a meeting as a visiting Probus member please contact our Secretary who is:

Kingsley Setter on 07764693623 or email: kingersley:gmail.com.