Didsbury Probus Club

The Didsbury Probus Club invites you to our next scheduled Speaker Meeting on Thursday 18th April

Venue: Didsbury Baptist Church on the corner of School Lane and Beaver Road opposite Didsbury Metrolink, M20 6SX

Time:  We will meet at 10:30 am  for tea/coffee and biscuits with the talk starting at 11.00am.
Talk Title: Antarctica Speaker: Neil Wilson

Neil will talk about the work of the British Antarctic Survey. It will touch a little on the history of the Survey and the Science that it conducts today.

If you have had a subs reminder please note that it should have read April 2024 – March 2025!  Shouldn’t have said I hadn’t made many mistakes at the AGM.

Further meetings for your diary. The venue will be the Didsbury Baptist Church unless otherwise stated

2nd May – Church closed for polling

Guided walk around Castlefield, looking at the three major events – the Romans AD 79, the first Industrial Canal 1791 and the first Intercity Railway for general freight and passengers 1830

16th May    Amazing women pilots. Amy Johnson through to the women who delivered planes in WW II – Victor Crawford

Mary Hill       didsbury.probus@gmail.com

Ian Grant      ianwilsongrant@btopenworld.com