Didsbury and District

Didsbury Probus Club Speaker Meeting Thursday 1st August 2024

The Didsbury Probus Club invites you to our next scheduled Speaker Meeting on 1st August.

Venue: Didsbury Baptist Church on the corner of School Lane and Beaver Road opposite Didsbury Metrolink, M20 6SX

Time:  We will meet at 10:30 am  for tea/coffee and biscuits with the talk starting at 11.00am.

Speaker: Gareth Evans

The history of Lyme Hall and Park

Visitors are very welcome.  Donations from visitors, to help with our running costs and provision of refreshments, will be very welcome.

Further meetings for your diary. The venue will be the Didsbury Baptist Church unless otherwise stated.  Our talks carry on throughout the summer, so remember to keep the 1st and 3rd Thursdays in the month free if you can.

15th Aug         Spies, cyphers and scandals – Eric Roth

5th Sept          Probus late summer buffet lunch – Didsbury Golf Club. Closing date 25th August


Secretary: Mary Hill    didsbury.probus@gmail.com

Web: Ian Grant    ianwilsongrant@btopenworld.com