Clay Cross and District

Club contact: John Drake



Welcome all members

Clay Cross & District Probus Club provides a regular meeting point for fellowship and social exchange. Its activities are non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit-making. Membership is open to all men aged 55 or over, resident in or near Clay Cross, who have fully or partly retired from their normal business or employment.

Meetings are held at the Old Tupton Methodist Church, Nethermoor Road, Tupton, S42 6EN on the first Tuesday of the month starting at 10.30 am.

President Mr Peter Dennis


New members are always welcome.

Just to let you know that our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 2 July, when our speaker will be Colin Stewart.

Colin’s talk will take us from Medieval Priory to Elizabethan Mansion – a tour of Calke Abbey describing all the features of these periods that are still visible in the house and some that are not generally visible to visitors.

Calke Park and Estate, the Archaeology – a visit to some of the humps and bumps visible on the estate with particular emphasis on the industrial archaeology in the lime yards, the tramway and brick yards. So we look forward to a very interesting and informative meeting.

Have a cup of tea or coffee.

Take part in our monthly raffle and maybe win a bottle of wine.

Hoping everyone enjoyed our BBQ on Saturday 22 June which was held at the home of Christine and David Allin at Smithy Farm, Heath.

The day was hot and sunny with some people taking advantage of some shelter to keep a bit cooler. There was musical entertainment by 2 solo artists and the BBQ went down a treat. Over £200 was raised to support this year’s chosen charity of Ashgate Hospice, Chesterfield. A very good day was held by all.