Chet Valley

Chet Valley Probus Club welcomes people who are retired, semi-retired or approaching retirement and who have had some measure of responsibility in their working life.
We meet in The White Horse, Chedgrave at 10:30 on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Most members sport a jacket and tie, though common sense is apt to break out in hot weather. After a brief business meeting we adjourn for coffee and mardle, followed by a talk from a visiting speaker : several of us stay for a convivial pub lunch after the meeting.
We are friendly and excellent company, enjoy fascinating talks on a variety of subjects, good food and meeting others of like mind. Why not come along and give us a try with no obligation? Arrive at The White Horse round about 1015 on a meeting day, make yourself known to one of the group, and play it from there.

Programme of speakers for the next few meetings


Tuesday, 13 August, 2024 Richard Mann Codes, Ciphers and Bletchley Park: Part 2
Tuesday, 27 August, 2024 Mike Wabe Paranormal East Anglia
Tuesday, 10 September, 2024 Rowena Burgess The Swing Riots
Tuesday, 24 September, 2024 Peter Lawrence Royal London – The Crown’s Influence on London Through the Ages


Chairman: Rod Back

Secretary: John McCormack

Treasurer: Roger Adams

 Speaker programme: Ralph Holmes

Click here to download the minutes of recent meetings

Click here to download minutes of the most recent Committee Meeting

If anyone is interested in volunteering at The Museum of the Broads, Christopher Armstrong, a recent speaker, suggests that most of our members are probably sufficiently lively to consider this. Click the link for information.