Your Committee met most recently on 6th August. At that meeting our President, indicated his wish to resign his Presidency in November.

He is willing to continue to serve as a member of the Committee. On your behalf I thank him for all that he done as President, particularly during the period from November 2019 to March 2020.

I agreed at that meeting to become President on 4th November ( when our Annual General Meeting was due to take place ) and this would be put to the members at the next AGM.

All the current Committee agreed to continue. I thank them warmly for their contributions to the work of the Club since November 2019.


We have currently 59 members.

I record with sadness that , since the November 2019 AGM, six members have passed away.  We all miss them. They are remembered with affection for their distinctive personalities and their contribution to the life of the Club.

I ask you all to keep in your thoughts those who have significant health problems currently. I ask you also to inform our almoners, if you become aware of a member who is ill or who needs to be contacted. Since March I am very much aware that there have been many informal networks of members who have kept in touch with each other on a regular basis and I welcome this and I am sure that this will continue during the current lockdown.


Since our last Probus event , the monthly lunch on 4th March, the Covid-19 has meant that we have missed 7 monthly lunches, 8 coffee mornings, the Spring Buffet Lunch, the Anniversary Lunch in May, the Strawberry Tea, the Hog Roast and the Autumn Buffet Lunch and various scheduled visits and outings.

I hope that our lives may return to a degree of normality in the New Year and your Committee will meet again then, when circumstances are suitable, to consider the Way Ahead for the Club. I thank JC for offering his services on the Committee in 2021. I would hope to use his expertise as a photographer and with websites for the good of the Club. If any other member would like to discuss the possibility of serving on the Committee in 2021, please contact me for an informal word.

In the meantime I am proud to serve as your President and send my best wishes to everyone.