Cambridge Granta Probus Club


Next Informal Lunch at George & Dragon, Elsworth:

Wednesday July 31st

Watch out for your email reminder


Lunch Meetings

at Madingley Hall


August 20th: Nigel Blackmoor

“Adapting to Climate Change”




Annual Garden Party Saturday July 20th

at the home of Edmund Brookes



Future Diary Dates


September 17th: Dr Mark Farrington

“Photographing Wildlife in Kenya”


October 15th: Ladies’ Lunch

George & Dragon, Elsworth

November 19th

Prof Paul Cartledge

“Ten things you should know about Democracy in Ancient Greece”



Advance Notice

Christmas Dinner at Girton College

Saturday 7th December


Cambridge Granta Probus is always very happy to welcome new members.
Please email Tony at



President: Bob Dawkins

Club contact: Tony Hemming (Secretary)

Founded in 1985, we are a local Cambridge association of retired and semi-retired men who have typically held a position of responsibility in their working life.  Our members come from professional and business backgrounds; some are retired members of a Rotary Club or 41 Club.

We usually meet in Madingley Hall

Madingley Hall is a part of Cambridge University and we are delighted to meet in its stylish college surroundings, though of course Granta Probus is independent of the University.  There’s good car parking.

We meet in the bar around 12 noon prior to a served  lunch at around 12.30 p.m. after which there are a few club announcements followed by a talk from an outside speaker.  We also have monthly informal lunches, usually at the George & Dragon, Elsworth.

In October in place of the monthly meeting we hold a Ladies Luncheon.

Throughout the year we hold additional events to which wives, partners and guests are invited. The first is the black-tie President’s dinner, followed by a summer garden party and the Christmas dinner.  There is usually a club outing in the early summer and an eclectic mix of smaller outings such as country walks, visits to local theatres, music venues, and a spotlight on popular pastimes.


Pictures from Ladies’ Lunch October 2023

George & Dragon, Elsworth


Pictures of 2023 Garden Party


Link to Previous Meetings page



Links to further photo albums of recent activities:

President’s Dinner March 14th 2023

Christmas Dinner December 13th 2022

President’s Dinner March 4th 2020
Ladies’ Lunch 2019
Tour of the Eastern Fens June 2019

Garden Party July 2022

Thanks to Stephen Brown RIP and Edmund Brookes for photos