Constitution ideas

Many clubs make enquiries regarding a constitution for their club. No standard constitution exists because Probus has no central organising body. Each club is autonomous and may create its own constitution. The draft constitution below is simply a framework to give you ideas when looking at your own constitution.


  • The club shall be called the Probus Club of ????.
  • The primary aim of the club is to promote good fellowship.
  • Membership shall be open to professional or business people who are retired, semi-retired or approaching retirement, and others who have had some measure of responsibility in any field of worthy endeavour, who are of good character and respected in their communities.
  • Existing members wishing to introduce a friend may seek the president’s approval to bring the friend to a meeting after which, if they are still interested, they will be invited to complete an application form. This application form will make it clear all members will be required to take a turn on the committee in due course. When considered by committee, the secretary shall inform the applicant of the decision.
  • The affairs of the club shall be managed by a committee consisting of (for example) a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, speaker secretary, social secretary, press and publicity officer and five ordinary members.
  • All members of the committee shall be elected by and from club members at the annual general meeting, or a special meeting convened for the purpose.
  • Up to two members may be co-opted by the committee for special tasks but will not serve beyond the following AGM unless elected.
  • The committee may propose a candidate for the office of vice-president from among their elected number.
  • The president, treasurer and secretary should be re-elected each year at the AGM but may not serve more than three consecutive years in office, other than in exceptional circumstances. The retiring president can continue as an ex-officio member of the committee for the following year. The vice-president will automatically become president on the post being vacated. The two longest-serving ordinary members of the committee shall retire after three years and may re-stand if they wish.
  • Committee meetings will be held at least four times during the club’s calendar year. A minimum of seven (suggestion only) members is required for a quorum and must include at least two of the following officers: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer.
  • Club meetings shall be held on (eg the first Tuesday of each week/month) when minutes of the previous meeting should be available in printed form if not distributed in advance by email, or read out.
  • The annual general meeting shall be held in (month?) of each year unless otherwise arranged and members given at least four weeks notice.
  • Extraordinary general meetings for matters which would otherwise require AGM consideration may be held at the discretion of the president OR if a request is made in writing to the committee and signed by five or more ordinary members. The request must state the reason for the meeting and the committee must give it due consideration. No matters other than the stated reason for the EGM may be discussed or voted upon at an EGM.
  • Voting on proposals effecting change in policy requires a minimum of two thirds majority support for adoption; voting on ordinary day-to-day issues requires a simple majority of members present. The president has a casting vote in case of ties.
  • In recognition of a member’s outstanding contribution to the fulfilment of the objectives of the club the president, on the recommendation of the committee, may confer on them honorary membership. Honorary members shall have the same rights, privileges and obligations as ordinary members, but pay no subscriptions.
  • Membership of the club may be terminated at any time by members by notifying the secretary. No refund of subscription will be given.
  • The membership of any member can be terminated by the committee if it considers their words or actions have not been in keeping with the requirements of membership, or are likely to bring the club into disrepute. Such a decision must be supported by at least six members of the committee. The member should be advised in writing by the secretary. An appeal and appearance before the committee to justify their actions will be granted providing a written letter of appeal is lodged with the secretary within ten days of the member being notified of the committee’s decision. If the appeal is not upheld no refund of subscription will be given.
  • The club’s financial year shall run from (insert dates). Banking arrangements will be at the discretion of the treasurer. Signatures of any two officers from the president, past president, secretary and treasurer will be required for cheques but the treasurer ONLY may conduct Internet banking for the club, providing a mandate is signed by at least two signatories, or whatever the bank requires. (NB Only one person should be authorised to conduct Internet banking so responsibility lies solely with them in case of problems.)
  • The annual accounts and balance sheet shall be available at the AGM. The accounts should be audited each year by any two members (other than committee members) nominated by the president, to whom they will report their findings, or an external auditor.
  • Annual subscriptions are due on (date?) each year, a sum agreed by the AGM. Failure to pay at the end of three months from the due date (without prejudice to the provisions of section 16), unless the default is due to incapacity, illness, or other situation beyond the control of the member, will mean membership is forfeited. Members joining after the due date will pay a subscription pro-rata for their first year.
  • Proposals for a change or changes to the constitution may be made by the committee, or an ordinary member in a written proposal to the president, and should include the names of the proposer and seconder, the detail of the proposed change, and must be lodged with the secretary at least three weeks before the AGM or EGM.
  • Club members’ personal details provided on the membership application/renewal form will be stored and processed in line with the General Data Protection Regulations effective May 25th